
winning edge horsemanship dentistry

melissa colburn

I started with horses when I was very young and have always been drawn to horses that carry the title of “problem horse.” This sparked my journey into natural horsemanship, where I learned that with some patience, respect, and understanding, we can find real, transformative solutions with horses as our partners.

A horsemanship-first approach may be applied to any aspect of working with horses, however, I found my passion in equine dentistry. In 2009 I embarked on my professional dentistry journey with Dr. Geoff Tucker, DVM, and founder of Horsemanship Dentistry™, The Equine Practice, and the Horsemanship Dentistry School.

Meet Your Equine Dentist 

After learning from the leading practitioner in the horsemanship dentistry industry, I have now become one myself. In 2022 I purchased a portion of Dr. Tucker’s practice and created Winning Edge Equine Dentistry. 

Now, I work with willing horses and their owners across the Eastern United States on their equine dental care and work as an educator at the Horsemanship Dentistry School with Dr. Tucker. 

Working as an Industry Leader

"I have floated over 25,000 horses in my nearly 15 years in the industry. Statistically less than 3 out of 100 need any medication for floating."

melissa colburn, owner of winning edge horsemanship dentistry & instructor at the Horsemanship Dentistry school